The future is made to measure suits for Tom Murphys of Cork

Corpus Line available at Tom Murphys

Former world heavyweight boxer Axel Schultz gets to grips with the made to measure range by Tom Murphys


Fabrics by Zegna, Dormeuil Cerutti

Beautiful fabrics from Tom Murphy by Zegna,Dormeuil and Cerutti


The future is made to measure suits

The third generation of tailors at No. 58 Patrick Street are gearing up for exciting times in 2015. There will be a continuing emphasis on made to measure suits.Such suits  are increasingly becoming the norm for grooms and business men that want to ooze character and charm.

Fabrics on offer will include some stunning ranges from Zegna, Cerruti, Holland and Sherry and Dormeiul. Superfine wools, checks tweeds and luxurious cashmeres will cater to even the most opulent of tastes.

Fusing the traditional techniques of old school tailoring within a modern framework is what the Tom Murphy business model is all about. In order to assist the client in imagining what the suit will look like our business partner Wilvorst has created special software for the purpose.This gives the customer an on screen presentation of our made to measure suits being created.

On screen avatar of suit being created

On screen avatar of suit being created


CORPUS LINE 2015 inner linings

Some whacky new inner linings


Buttons and trimmings choices are endless

This avatar will will allow the client to see how the trimmings such as linings, buttons and patches contribute to the overall look. Crucially the fabric choice becomes a lot simpler when the cloths can be seen on the avatar. It also shows how they will really look when turned into an actual garment.Tom sees this as a crucial  in contributing towards a greater confidence in the client in committing to a made to measure suit.Also it is another powerful point of difference that the Tom Murphy made to measure suits experience offers from competitors in Ireland.

“We used to encounter a problem with the ‘made to measure’ customer.There was a lack of confidence on the part of the client because he could not imagine what the suit would end up looking like. It is extremely difficult to imagine how it will look when you are drifting through so many fabric swatches. We are really excited by this  because the selected pattern (or various alternatives) can be seen on the avatar.This gives the client a huge sense of reassurance and eliminates the fear of things not turning out as expected”

Check Suits are so popular amonst our made to measure clients

Check Suits are so popular amonst our made to measure clients

When you combine this innovation with the security of knowing that  made to measure suits will give you ultimate fit, it is no surprise that this area of the business is expected to grow significantly this year.


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